Responding to evolving and complex needs

Our vision for the most meaningful and healthy futures for all children, youth and families informs everything we do. Guided by our new strategic plan, Transformative Care, Inclusive World: Holland Bloorview 2030 (HB2030), fueled by new funding from the provincial government and donors, and co-created with expert clinicians, clients and families, Holland Bloorview continues to meet evolving and complex needs through compassionate, high-quality care and services. This year we expanded our inpatient and outpatient services across the hospital and launched new and innovative programs focused on delivering the best health outcomes.

Responding to evolving and complex needs

An adult and a child high-fiving
Our vision for the most meaningful and healthy futures for all children, youth and families informs everything we do. Guided by our new strategic plan, Transformative Care, Inclusive World: Holland Bloorview 2030 (HB2030), fueled by new funding from the provincial government and donors, and co-created with expert clinicians, clients and families, Holland Bloorview continues to meet evolving and complex needs through compassionate, high-quality care and services. This year we expanded our inpatient and outpatient services across the hospital and launched new and innovative programs focused on delivering the best health outcomes.
A group of people

Making kids count

In the summer of 2023, thanks to the advocacy efforts of the Children’s Health Coalition, of which Holland Bloorview is a founding member, the Ontario government made an historic $330 million investment in pediatric health care. This unprecedented 20 per cent increase in our annual funding will advance our HB2030 strategic plan goals to ensure a healthy team, while providing care that is agile, socially accountable and transformed by research and education.
Three adults

Meeting complex needs

Our clinical teams are dedicated to meeting the increasingly complex needs of the children and youth we serve, over half of whom have multiple diagnoses. This includes the development of needs-based care pathways and the use of innovative, evidence-based technologies. We support the unique and evolving needs of each client through programs like the extensive needs service, our complex continuing care unit and our spinal muscular atrophy intensive therapy program. In all that we do, we co-create care plans with families that take the whole child into account.
A group of people

Empowering kids to get up and go

Get up and go is the only inpatient program for kids with persistent pain in Canada. Committed to improving teens’ overall wellbeing, our skilled team of interdisciplinary health-care professionals lead with compassion in their comprehensive approach to helping clients better understand and address chronic pain. Over four weeks, clients learn to manage pain with a fulsome toolkit of physical and mental health strategies, empowering them to resume their favorite activities.
An adult on a wheelchair
Holland Bloorview is dedicated to our clients’ long-term success. Our employment pathways program helps fill the early work experience gap that youth with disabilities face all too often. Thanks to our team of specialists and the generous support of our friends at RBC Foundation, over 50 youth completed skill training, work experience placements and job coaching last summer, building their confidence and a foundation for future career success.
A classic photo with some people

In our 125 years, Holland Bloorview has transformed from a place where kids spent their entire childhood, to a place where the average inpatient stay is less than 45 days. As a result of medical, scientific and social advancements and our dedicated staff team, we’re helping kids and families get back to doing what they love most.

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An adult on a wheelchair
unique clients
Inpatient admissions
Outpatient visits
Through our inpatient units and outpatient medical and diagnostic clinics, rehabilitation services and recreation and life skills programs, our interdisciplinary team of health-care professionals serve clients with multiple and complex diagnoses including autism spectrum disorder, neuromotor and neuromuscular conditions, acquired brain injury, orthopedic conditions and other developmental disorders.
An icon of three people
More than
clients we serve have three or more diagnoses
Ages of clients
0 – 5 years  41%
6 – 9 years  19%
10 – 14 years  18%
15+ years  21%
An icon of building
40 days

Average length of inpatient stay, excluding long-stay clients, respite care and sleep studies